Why I'm attempting the 100 Mile NPS Paddle Challenge

The news that these people had left their own country to bathe in the river Jordan, spread among all the kings and chiefs of Florida, and as they were an ignorant people, they all set out in search of this river, which was supposed to possess the power of rejuvenating old men and women. So eager were they in their search, that they did not pass a river, a brook, a lake, or even a swamp, without bathing in it; and, even to this day, they have not ceased to look for it, but always without any success.

- Memoir Of Hernando D’Escalante Fontaneda 1575

I'm not expecting to find the Fountain of Youth, but I needed some kind of cross training upper body workout to supplement (i.e. give my knees a break) my long distance running. As with signing up for a marathon it is simply a way of maintaining my motivation to keep exercising. I much prefer training outside versus working out in a gym. So kayaking (and the occasional period oared powered vessel), seemed like a good fit.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Exictement & Adventure, not so much.

Excitement & Adventure, not so much.  That must be why they call it work.  I spent the better day taking soundings from a kayak in a boat basin/channel on the Manatee River for a proposed dredging project.
Getting ready to Launch

My loyal crew loads up the kayak

I get to stare at this screen the whole time whilst my pasty white legs roast in the sun.  Yeah SPF60!

 We basically spent a couple of hours taking soundings every 10 feet  or so as we cross-sectioned the basin & channel.  Not terribly exciting.
 Well it certainly beats some of the work I usually have to do.  I was hoping to catch a glimpse of manatees which we had seen the the area previously, but sum total of wildlife spotted was a crab.

A Day at the Spa

Hey, I'm not covered in mud!


















 As it happened we ended up near enough to the park to eat lunch at De Soto NM and I got to had a few miles to my paddle challenge log.




Lunchtime in the shade at De Soto.












#FLNPS100PaddleChallenge and #FindYourPark

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