The Manatee River was pretty choppy this morning, so rather than crossing north to Emerson point, I elected to head up river again.
My Hi-Viz hat really catching the sun. |
Looking West into Tampa Bay |
I took a break at Bishop Point where the water was quite a bit calmer, before continuing up river for another mile.
The tide and currents were with my on the way back, and I was moving at quite a clip with little effort.
Not having seen any wildlife at all thus far I moved in close to shore birds and a crab. Exciting, Yes!
Bird |
Crab |
Then looming under the water I spotted some mysterious ruins. Perhaps the remains of a lost Mayan Temple, or a Spanish fort. Okay I was a bit bored at this point.
So more of storm tossed tidal channel than a great archaeological discovery, or hidden treasure, but a little day-dreaming never hurts.
At the end of today's paddle as I was loading up the truck Jorge Acevedo, the Park's Superintendent stopped by and took my incredibly official Paddle Challenge Selfie.
The HI-VIZ paddler poses for a photo. If only we could have gotten the wind and all the flags to cooperate. |
and #FindYourPark