Why I'm attempting the 100 Mile NPS Paddle Challenge

The news that these people had left their own country to bathe in the river Jordan, spread among all the kings and chiefs of Florida, and as they were an ignorant people, they all set out in search of this river, which was supposed to possess the power of rejuvenating old men and women. So eager were they in their search, that they did not pass a river, a brook, a lake, or even a swamp, without bathing in it; and, even to this day, they have not ceased to look for it, but always without any success.

- Memoir Of Hernando D’Escalante Fontaneda 1575

I'm not expecting to find the Fountain of Youth, but I needed some kind of cross training upper body workout to supplement (i.e. give my knees a break) my long distance running. As with signing up for a marathon it is simply a way of maintaining my motivation to keep exercising. I much prefer training outside versus working out in a gym. So kayaking (and the occasional period oared powered vessel), seemed like a good fit.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Centennial Weekend


Although I wasn't able to do any paddling on Thursday's  NPS Centennial, the Park Service was kind enough to extend the Commemoration though the entire weekend and I got my kayaking  in on Sunday morning.  I'm now three-quarters of way through the Paddle Challenge.

Too windy for the floppy hat so I switched to my NPS Volunteer ballcap.

shortly after launching my kayak, I spotted what looked like bubbles in the river near the channel.

Initial bubble sighting

I thought that perhaps there were a gathering of manatees about and I paddled towards them to investigate.  As I got closer the "bubbles" were looking more like portuguese-man-of war, something I didn't want to tangle with, but it would be rather odd to find them in the middle of a flowing river this deep inside the bay.

Then it began to like like an iceflow!
It can't be ice!

No its foam!


 I,m pretty sure that this was a natural phenomenon, The bubbles were not pure white and did not have a detergent fragrance about them.   In spite of the waves the bubble patch stayed together  for the two hours that I was out on the water, it spite  (or because of ?) the wind and waves.

Happy 100th Birthday National Park Service.



#FLNPS100PaddleChallenge and #FindYourPark

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