Post hurricane Matthew and Columbus Day weekend seemed as good a time as any to finish up the National Park Service Centennial Paddle Challenge. That the temperature had dropped into the low 70's made it just that much better.
Hurricane Matthew was just a minor wind event in these parts. The only thing I noticed at the park was an overturned bench along the beach. Although whether it was the result of wave action or minor mischief I know not.
There wasn't much boat traffic early in the morning so I paddled across the river to Emerson point.
Headed for the washed up sailboat that's been grounded for months. |
As I headed back towards the memorial the wind had picked up quite a bit, and it got quite rought as I headed to the cove area.
On an intercept course for the Ranger led Kayak Tour |
In the cove I hit the 100 mile mark and took my selfie - actually I took a lot but this one turned out best.
Two miles into today's paddle and I hit the 100 mile mark! |
and #FindYourPark